Saturday 1 December 2012

Hey Buddy, Update Time!

As is always the case I have been distracted of late, keeping me from updating this or doing anything else really. I have been writing this book since the day I got back from my trip. As far as I know it is going to be called Don't Call Me Buddy, Buddy! It has a long subtitle too, but so far that has only been for the amusement of myself and I doubt it will stick.

Even this blog, which I am doing to keep you up to date, is a distraction of sorts. I am lying in my pit watching Columbo, reading over what I have done already and hoping that I write some more before I have to go to work. But there is no stress. Much like my trip, it will be done when it's done. I hope.

Last week I had the mild blues brought on, I think, by doing nothing but sitting in various rooms writing and doing not much else. Today is the first time in a week I have even opened the file holding my story. I am not saying it is good, but so far I have resisted the urge to delete the whole thing and actually do something with my life that would get me out of this damn room.

Few things bring me as much pleasure as writing. I mean, there is always sex, drugs and whatever kind of music you are into, but I take a strange kind of pleasure from stringing words together. Albeit with a complete disregard for the entire concept of grammar. I am aware of this and don't need some fool pointing it out to me.

I hope to be done with this soon, I feel like I have been talking to you guys for ages about it. I have got rid of many distractions, facebook, shifts, comfort in the quest to wrap this up. But I have spent most of the last week procrastinating, pondering pointless nonsense like just what the fuck the people who made Lethal Weapon 2 were all about casting Juney Smith in the role of Tom Wyler, a member of the squad who looks far too much like Danny Glover to have been cast in the same police unit as him. I have worried that this idea makes me racist, but the guy is so much like Danny Glover that when Wyler gets shot dead - while hanging upside down for absolutely no reason at all - the South African badguy actually has to mention that he isn't shooting Danny Glover just so the audience don’t get confused due to sloppy casting.

I don’t think it is racist. I have given this a lot of thought. Go watch the movie, you’ll see what I mean. You should watch it anyway, it is the best one. By a fucking mile. See when Mel puts his shoulder back in place after winning his bet, watch the older cop right next to him as he slams his shoulder into the wall. This bit part actor delivers some of the greatest acting I’ve ever seen. A fine example of taking your chances. It truly is a wonderful film.

Anyway, I guess you understand my predilection to distraction now. I am always looking out for something to over analyse in favour of actually doing any work.

But I think I have a point. That cunt in Lethal Weapon looked exactly like Danny Glover from the shape of his face to the moustache on it.

I mean, it doesn’t really matter. But it is really fucking annoying.

Anyway. I can’t wait for you guys to read Don’t Call Me Buddy, Buddy! I just hope the Mayans were on the wind up and I will get a chance to finish it.

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