Friday, 4 May 2012

Sun, Sea, Sand and Sitting On A Couch Watching Videos of Racists.

I went on YouTube this morning and typed in “funny”.

I have ended up spending most of my morning watching videos of Ultra Right Wing Diet-Anarchists roaming the streets of Bumfuck County USA sponsored and, indeed, encouraged by the Fair and Balanced Fox News. Which is disturbing at the best of times. But it is more disturbing and really worrying being on American soil while watching them.

I am in no real danger. I’d imagine their kind of diseased mind wouldn’t last two minutes in the Liberal Orgy of Santa Monica. They have places here that don’t serve meat, and they have legal medicinal marijuana. It is exactly like Sodom and Gomorrah. The End of Days is upon us.

Before we get too far into anything, because this could go anywhere, Blame Reagan. That would be my best advice, if any, for Americans wishing to debate or cast blame on who exactly killed the American Dream. When in doubt, blame Ronald Reagan.: The mumbling puppet. Don’t feel too bad about it either, your parents (or maybe Grandparents) voted an actor from shitty B Movies to be your President. Blame Reagan and your parents. Read a history book that isn’t about the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party, Teabaggers seem to have an insane knowledge on that subject. If Obama was the Hitler-esque Dictator that the Tea Party are making him out to be they would all be dead or rotting away in camps. These cunts should have a bit more respect for the atrocities committed in the past, that were only able to be accomplished thanks to the kind of misinformation and misplaced hatred that these imbeciles are spreading. They hate the people they hate for hating them in return, when there is enough of the planet between them to just get on with their own lives. “I can’t believe there is a guy in a cave thousands of miles away who hates my god, and wants me to die!” It’s the kind of paranoia you would expect to encounter with someone who’s been on a week long cocaine binge. They don’t need coke though, or weed, they have Fox News and The Lord God Almighty to mess with their minds.

Usually I would watch one or two of these videos and then disconnect from the internet and try my best not to let the words they shite out their mouths ruin my day. But today, I don’t have much to do today. I am currently lying on a couch in a house in Santa Monica. It is stupidly close to the beach. Stupidly close. Despite the Roman Blood coursing through my veins, I burn easy. It’s what happens when you cover Roman Blood with Scottish skin. So I think I might just stay in today and trawl the doldrums of YouTube in the hope I find a real gem. It’s highly likely because within the first 5 videos I had found a woman saying “There’s nothing better than a dead liberal.” and other, equally fucked humans saying that all Muslims should have coded tattoos on their arm, or at the very least be made to wear a badge so that the White God Fearing folks can tell if a Muslim is in their midst.

One thing I have noticed in the many videos I have seen so far is how happy Right Wing Lunatics are when they are spouting some nonsense. It gives them great pride, but I don’t think it is them fuelling up off of the hatred. Because I think I could deal with that. I think it is simply smugness, anchored in the fact that they think they happen to be lucky enough to be born in to the correct way of life. They believe that being white, following white god and comparing everyone who they disagree with to Hitler is the proper order of things.

And to think I just went on YouTube and typed in “funny”.

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