Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The Curse of The Super Pretty People.

I for one am glad Samantha Brick spoke out about this great affliction that only a few people, hand picked by fate, or God (depending on your beliefs) to be the truly great looking, the fortunate few who ugly people pass on the street and think "I wish I was that good looking."

If I had a dollar for every time someone told me I was amazing to look at, I would have a shit load of money. So much money, in fact, that I could probably afford to take massive billboards out all over the world to celebrate my beauty. And the world would sing songs about me. I am that good looking.

Samantha Brick knows the pain that goes with the beauty though, and it's hard to live with because everyone knows you're good looking, and with great beauty comes great misunderstanding. It's not all compliments and dinner parties. A lot of the time we are alone, only a mirror or photographs of ourselves to keep us company. Samantha Brick is lucky, even though she is by far the best looking woman on the face of the planet, or at least that's what I read, she has managed to get a partner. For most of us truly fantastic looking people we are stranded on this planet alone because people assume that just because we are insanely good looking that we are unapproachable.

This curse began at school, where people would taunt me. "Where you off to? Somewhere with other good looking people?" or "Getting lots of good looking girls to suck you off because you're crazy good looking?". It was really hurtful and the school did nothing about it. I got the impression the teachers didn't care.

It has continued, it would seem. All you need to do is read the replies and comments Mrs Brick has recieved in response to her article, people jumped straight on her fantastically feminine and beautiful back about it. Why? Jealousy, that's why.

One day good looking people will be accepted. Maybe even left alone to get on with eating cheese, drinking wine and admiring ones self in the mirror without being ridiculed by ugly people. It isn't Samantha Brick's fault that she was blessed with amazing facial features and a smoking hot body, just like it isn't my fault that I have this insanely well toned stomach and handsome face. If an ugly person wrote an article about how fucking hoaching they are to look at, no one would ridicule them. Except maybe us good looking people, but by and large they would be left alone. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it's just that we have more beautiful eyes than most.

Leave us alone, unless you wish to compliment us on our good looks.

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