Thursday, 11 June 2009

letter one.

To whom it may concern,

This country is in the midst of absolute chaos, we have an unelected Prime Minister who shows no sign of relinquishing his position, MPs who are making the rules to make their lives and the lives of their families comfortable while the public who pay for it live with the fear of defaulting on their mortgage, and to make the whole situation worse the people who can make the difference are becoming more and more downtrodden. When a country is ran so badly the blame can only be partially put on the people for voting in such idiotic leaders. The majority of the blame is placed firmly on the shoulders of these so called leaders. The office of Prime Minister was stolen by Gordon Brown, the fidgety dictator. I understand that he was not given an easy task by the evil, grinning fellator of Bush, Tony Blair who managed to destroy this country from the inside and out, joining the USA on their 'rape the world' tour in which America were the headliners, and we were the opening act. When the dust settled around the bombed schools and hospitals in Iraq we were left looking like the Italians when they hooked up with the Nazis. The only difference between us and Mussolinis black shirt fascists is that he joined the nazis so he wouldn't lose the war, where as in our situation there was no war, just the illegal massacre of thousands of innocent lives on both sides, young men and women in allied uniforms being killed escorting Halliburton trucks through the destroyed desert Country, and the natives of said country rising up against the invaders to defend their land. Some people would say Brown is unlucky, that his chance to shine was tarnished by the illegal war he inherited and the expenses row, I would say that he is unworthy of our sympathy, he has made no attempt in my eyes to put anything straight, from the lack of discipline within his party to his lack of respect towards us, the people who fund the political parties predilection to porn films, duck ponds, moat dredging, cocaine and expensive rent boys.

He has been able to thrive thanks to the general apathy and misplaced attention on behalf of the public. Once upon a time we would have been on the steps of Downing Street and Westminster making sure these conniving weasels never think about ripping us off again. Instead we sit in at nights watching reality TV, eating fast food and living according to the Governments creed, 'Stay in the house, don't question the leader. fear your neighbour and pay your taxes.' Only in hardcore porno films have I ever seen such a desire to be screwed in the ass, we take it and we act like it's ok, and when we let that go the little stuff has to slide with it, after all there can be few complaints from a populace who so openly, and frequently let their government sodomise them.

Our future is bleak, once we get rid of Brown we will most likely be stuck with Cameron, which I would see as worse. After all the only thing worse than Labour is Conservative, and of course, vice versa. David Cameron spends too much time trying to be cool, and one of the fellas, you may have been popular at whatever private school you attended, but to us you are a sad, desperate wannabe with no grounding in the real world. Of all the people who I could possibly consider to be the next PM Cameron is so far down the list that Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and Maggie Thatcher are all above him. Desperation is a stinky cologne David, learn that.

The major problem is that as time has moved on, and while the public has changed massively our politicians have not. They have become a relic of a bygone era, when private educations were a strong currency. That attitude is still prevalent today, only it is no longer what we need. Instead we need someone who is in touch with the people, someone who didn't have the hindrance of a blinkered upbringing within the confines of an expensive school. That is who makes up the voting majority, and our numbers will continue to swamp the upper classes. I mentioned before how the country is addicted to reality tv, and while the format is boring to many, it is tried and tested as a way to address the public, so why not adopt this process in voting. An X-factor style show in which people who might not have had the opportunities to get into politics, but have the right ideas and are motivated for the right reasons, get the chance to put themselves forward. If there was an elite, their time is up. The government is in our employ, we fund their nonsense lives, and when an employee gets out of line and steals from the bosses they get fired. It may not happen anytime soon but the complete abolition of the government is the only move left. Replacing one party with another has ran its course, and proven itself redundant. It is comparable to driving on flat tires, and when you finally notice that your car isn't performing to it's full potential, you replace them with equally flat tires and before you know it you are in exactly the same position wondering why

Henry Hunter.

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