A few years ago my cousin called me up for a hang out, when I arrived at his house we went to his attic; our regular place to hang out, we rolled a joint and put on a dvd. He had a special one for the day he said, Alex Jones, Martial Law: Rise of the police state. It was my first foray into the world of Alex Jones, his message was simple and terrifying, act now or be doomed to a life of slavery. He showed us what a lot of us knew already that G.W Bush was an idiot, and a tyrant. He detailed what he believed as the truth behind 9/11, as that particular event was still fairly fresh in my mind and still talked about on the news, it got me hooked and I spent my days trawling his websites in order to educate myself on the ins and outs of the new world order, the 4th reich, skull and bones and a host of other subjects. During the years I spent talking to people about these things I was subjected to the usual bullshit about being a 'conspiracy theorist' or 'conspiracy nut', until people got fed up with Bush and towards the end of his reign people would start spouting the very 'nonsense' I had been telling them a couple of years before.
Now Jones has come out with a new film called 'The Obama Deception', which does what it says on the tin, and sets out to destroy Obama. The current president has only been in office a matter of months and so far he seems to be doing an ok job, and I feel that Jones is profiting from the weak minded 'individuals' that subscribe to his sites, who call others sheep while themselves following the word of a man who knows just as much as everyone else. I still admire Jones in a huge way, he takes the fight to the establishment and has been arrested countless times for his troubles, including once for simply asking then Governor of Texas G.W Bush a question. My issue is the people who post on his sites, Jones' ethos in his early films, particularly 'Rise of the Police state', were that you take the information and make up your own mind, and then pass on the word. I'm pretty sure he didn't stipulate that you should be an asshole about it, which is exactly what I would call the people who post things like "You know not of what you speak. Please go back to NBC, CNN, FOX, ABC, etc. Your mind is not ready for new information." What these people fail to understand is that most people care not for the rantings of a select few, they have real worries, kids, bills, jobs etc. They are not worried about what may or may not happen in 2012 or any other year for that matter. Maybe that is a bad thing, maybe not, but the point is Alex Jones preaches freedom of speech, free thinking and the right to decide. A lot of his fans do not, they are narrow minded idiots with no apparent thoughts of their own, who think that by watching his films and reading his words, then regurgitating them with malice in other peoples faces, they are helping the cause. They could not be more wrong, they represent the opposite side of the ignorant coin that people like Bill O'reilly adorn, and attacking someone you have never met within the security of your bedroom or the anomynity of the net is not brave, nor is it helping.
I realise that by attacking fans of Alex Jones I would have to include myself, and I do to an extent. Except when I grew up I realised shouting debatable "facts" to people was not getting me anywhere, and that offering the available information to people who showed an interest in the subjects was a far better way to approach it. It is important to keep in mind while addressing the subject that there are some people who will never give a shit, for what ever reasons. These people are not your target audience, stop banging your head against the wall and learn which fights you can win. If you have strong feelings about anything then stop wasting your words by posting on the comments page of some website, learn both sides of the argument (yes that means actually paying attention to the dreaded news networks and not just dismissing them outright) and form your own ideas and arguments, then put your words together and forward that to as many people as possible. That is how to talk to people, if you find that doing such a task is too difficult and you can't form an opinion without the help of Alex Jones then you have no place in any argument or debate, especially one of such stature as the 9/11 debate, the prospect of a totalitarian takeover, or the sullying of Obamas name before he has had a chance to prove that all American politicians are not illiterate dumbfucks with criminal tendencies like George W Bush, and the entire Bush family.
I continue to read Alex Jones, and will always pick out like minded individuals and point them in the direction of his sites, and other sites for that matter. You have to remember that if you approach someone while acting like a dick, start calling them sheep, and telling them that they are asleep etc, it will probably result in said person telling you to fuck off, and they will never read these sites at risk of turning into a cunt like the one you came across as.
well put...
the people who write for the site resort to name calling too (obamabots, sheeple). like you said, how do they expect people to learn "the truth" if they insult the very people they are relying on to make change?
as for "the truth", i am very cautious about reading alex jones. he seems to have his mind made up about what's happening. what he sees in the news may be coloured by his unblinking belief that the world is run by the NWO, etc...
for example, this article is placed under the "Police State" category -
but what do i know?...
and i am sure these video's are spliced together to make alex jones look like a raving lunatic... which he isn't...
here is a different perspective on the whole thing
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