The damn internet is at it again. It would seem that the internet won’t stop until it has completely destroyed our children’s innocence. That is a joke, I neither have children nor give two fucks about your children or their innocence. It would appear, however, that the parents of the world, in collaboration with the tabloid media have whipped up a frenzy about the latest thing which wouldn’t upset half as many people if some parents spent more time actually parenting and less time trying to tell the rest of the adult world that we should be deprived of something entertaining or interesting because the child that you are convinced is the most special to have ever existed, could be targeted by perverts on the internet.
The internet is indeed awash with perverts of all types, as is the real world, with that in mind if you are a parent and you think the two worlds are different then whatever happens to your special little child is completely your fault… Not the site they were on, not the concept of social networking and definitely not the Internet as a whole. I’m not endorsing perverts searching for young children, obviously because that would be pretty fucked up, but all I am saying is that if you let your child post pictures of themselves on social networking sites, then don’t be surprised or angry at the internet when some old perv expresses an interest… If you do, you might as well let your child stick pictures and personal details in a phone box right next to the cheap hookers.
The latest of the social networking sites to pop up and come under attack from idiots is, which has to be seen to be believed. Just don’t come crying to me when you don’t like what you see. Yes, I am telling you to log into something that will probably scar your eyes and mind, much like two girls one cup, it‘s disgusting, but it's a must see even for two minutes. Keep this in mind when you navigate towards it. I have been on it a lot in the last few days, honest research in which I kept my clothes on, during this research I noticed that the majority of people on this site are men… Not only that, but at any point in the day, morning, noon or night, there are lots and lots of guys wanking. This is a problem. Much like when a porno spends too much time lingering in that most grotesque angle that I like to call ‘ball cam’ in which you see the mans ass, the ladies thighs and nothing else because the guys dangling, shaved bollocks are slapping away on her vagina, making that amusing cupped hand clapping noise… It is kind of like that when you are on this site, you don’t want to look at a guy wanking so you just skip past that guy and hope that karma will help you out, but it never does because karma doesn’t exist on this site… Relentless wanking exists on this site.
Much like people who complain about things they have seen on TV, people like to complain about content online. The media shouldn’t humour these people, they shouldn’t write articles talking about how dangerous it is because some horrid, rich, daily mail reading, SUV driving asshole is more interested in drinking wine and fucking the help than actually parenting. Bad parenting leads to bad shit happening to children… Sure the pervert jacking off furiously, live on cam right in your child’s face via computer screen, should take some blame… But if the child accesses a site like this on a home computer, then it is mainly the fault of the parents. Why shouldn’t creepy websites like this exist? Websites like are convinced that they shouldn’t because in their research they saw some guys jacking it, and one guy take credit for 9000 rapes, and maybe that hanging dude actually hanged himself for real blah blah. The writer on whose name isn’t important claims that although it states it is illegal for anyone under 16 to access this site, it is set up in such a way that a 5 year old could work it out. If your 5 year old is internet savvy, it is because you have allowed it to become internet savvy and thus if it gets the come on from some old naked fella then you should really be ashamed of yourself, you are a terrible parent.
In conclusion, if you are worried about your child accessing a site designed for adults, much in the same way as it is with movies or video games, you should really try parenting a bit better and not letting your child play, watch or log into something that they only want to because everyone at school is going on about it... Remember, you are allowed to say no to your children… Even if you are too busy drinking wine, or moaning about immigrants to keep an eye on your child’s internet habits all the time, there are plenty of packages you can buy to block websites that may seem a little adult for your special little miracle. Buy them and stop bitching about things that only bother you if you highlight the address bar and type in and wait for it to load, that seems like a whole lot of effort when you now know that you will most likely be bombarded with a barrage of perverts battering away on their dick like the world was about to end and they could save it with a healthy amount of jism.