Friday, 24 April 2009

The Obama Decpetion. Review.

Alex Jones narrates his latest film 'The Obama Deception' like a speaker at a funeral, a trick he has employed through his other features, speak low enough and people will take you seriously, the only difference this time is he seems to have completely lost his way. The Obama Deception is so badly written and put together that it plays like it was made by a first year college student trying to be political. He sets out in this movie to destroy not only the President of the United States, but also the hopes and dreams of millions of people all around the world, with no concern of the consequences. To think that a country who basically viewed it as a crime to be black would ever have a black president is an achievement, regardless of who it is.

Alex Jones appealed to me originally because he seemed embarrassed to be from the same state, never mind continent as the former President, George W Bush. Now, however, It's Jones' opinion that the "elite" were in trouble, the black population were going to rise up and revolt, so they wheeled out the black candidate that, according to Jones sources, has been being groomed for 30 years. This was the first 'where is the proof moment' of this film, and sadly it wouldn't be the last. Jones has a knack of digging up rumours on news websites and passing them off as the truth, and the gullible fans who flock to his sites in their droves, lap it up and viciously attack people who disagree with their hero.

The many faces he got to appear in this piece of shit should speak for the integrity of it, Jesse Ventura, Gerald Celente (who is a trend forecaster), Joe Rogan, rapper KRS one and professor Grift from public enemy, who is convinced that taking over Africa is possible. Not one famous face saying anything of any substance, in fact it seems at times as if Jones is leading them, which he has done in the past. Where was Charlie Sheen, and the other Hollywood celebs that were fighting his corner 5 years ago.

The dreaded Bilderbergers were top of the tree in the opening act of this shitfest, and their secret meeting in the Westfield Marriot, where Jones was itching to be arrested for filming in the hotel two days before the meeting, in the hope it would give his film substance. He wasn't, in fact that whole sequence was a total anti-climax, and when the fire alarm sounds as Jones talks to a radio show on the phone, it comes across like one of his little lap dogs set it off, or maybe Alex himself, so it would maybe look like someone knew he was there, and so his filming might have a reason. And despite the hundreds of evil people descending upon the Marriot hotel, the only face captured on camera was a lady that could possibly have been The Queen of Netherlands, but it was hard to tell from that far away. Among the many people who were protesting this secret meeting we were introduced to an Investigative journalist who doesn't know the name of people he is quoting. It really starts to get awful around this point. To waste so much valuable running time on rich people having a secret meeting, that judging by the amount of people protesting wasn't so secret, seems like lazy film making to me. Sadly I still have most of this film to watch. More and more Jones comes across as madly paranoid, convinced he is being followed when a fat guy pulls in behind them at a grill (not the last place you would expect to see a fat guy), and despite no recorded encounters at the Marriot Jones is convinced that they are seconds away from being arrested.

The whole basis of this movie is that Obama has gone back on promises he made while trying to become President. What you have to remember is that men, especially in his game, will say just about anything to get just about anywhere, for example telling a girl what she wants to hear to get her into bed is essentially what Obama did, you are going to get fucked by your President either way, it might as well be by an articulate handsome gentleman, rather than the genuine mentally retarded chap who ran The US for 8 years, making you the laughing stock of the world. It shouldn't shock people anymore that a politician would lie to get into office, and if it does shock you then you probably shouldn't pay attention to politics. Politicians are comparable to Psychics, they both know fuck all, but are willing to take advantage of the poor fools who believe that they do. No one should believe that their Governments are anything other than gangsters and thieves, an honest man has no place in politics. Would you believe a stripper when she tells you 'you are the man', or do you just accept that she is hustling you. It doesn't matter, because either way you are getting hustled, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Jones still hammers his head against the wall of Democracy, and it amuses me that only Americans, and Countries that America has 'liberated' still talk about Democracy as if it exists. He still throws in the footage of 9/11 and Hitler in the same sequence because he is a unimaginative film maker, and because he has no other arguments, and 8 years since 9/11, still has no proof. I was an avid follower of Jones after seeing 'Rise of the Police state', but he is still saying the same things. This made me wonder, if I was a member of a shadowy group that ran the world, with enough money at my disposal to attack NYC (and I am not denying the possible involvement of some domestic agency, It's just I wasn't at any meeting about it, so don't know the truth) but if I was in that group, why would I not use my money and power to plant WMDs in Iraq, it would save a lot of hassle. Just think, I blow up a city, then use that as a catalyst to invade a small country, which I then use as a reason to invade a completely uninvolved Country because of WMDs, would it not make sense to then plant the WMDs in order to prevent any questions and hassles. Is it not possible, Alex, that while I am not ruling out some form of inside job at a lower level, maybe it was a terrorist attack by a foreign force, and that the real conspiracy started when Bush decided that while he was in the neighbourhood he would swing by Iraq and deal with daddies old pal Saddam? An action both Bush and Blair should be hanged for, that is one thing Jones and I agree on.

The glaring problem, which is being overlooked in favour of Obama-bashing is that America is the embodiment of over indulgence, and thus don't have a long shelf life. Their economic demise is less to do with shadowy bad guys pulling strings and more to do with the big roads for the big cars, and the diamond encrusted ass plugs for the half plastic humans who need to live in gated houses inside gated complexes and keep their German cars in their bomb proof garage in fear of the poor. Regardless of what he may or may not do while in office, the election of Barrack H Obama, a man of mixed race rising to the highest job in politics has filled a nation with hope, after 8 years under the rule of the worlds highest ranking idiot, they deserve it. It is selfish of Jones to disrespect those people by releasing such a terrible film, it does nothing to convince the "sheep" as his fans so graciously call them, all this film does is show that Alex Jones is a egomaniac with no talent for film making, who is driven by the plaudits of followers he has amassed, followers with no opinions of their own, just the regurgitated fantasies of Alex Jones.